Um/a Doutorado/a equiparado/a a Investigador/a Principal - PORTO

Porto Full-time

Detalhes da oferta

Código da Oferta:
Tipo Oferta:
Contrato Individual de Trabalho
Nível Orgânico:
Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
Universidade do Porto
Contrato de trabalho a termo incerto
Um/a Doutorado/a equiparado/a a Investigador/a Principal
Suplemento Mensal:
0,00 EUR
Caracterização do Posto de Trabalho:
foi deliberado abrir um procedimento concursal de seleção
internacional para a contratação de doutorado/a equiparado/a a Investigador/a Principal para o Centro
de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da FPCEUP, no âmbito do Contrato-Programa
CEECINST/00134/2021, em curso na FPCEUP, e financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (FCT). O presente aviso destina-se ao provimento de um lugar de Investigador/a em regime
de contrato individual de trabalho a termo resolutivo incerto, ao abrigo do Código do Trabalho, para o
exercício de atividades de investigação científica em Ciências da Educação, visando o desenvolvimento
de investigação de nível avançado e internacional com relevância para o cumprimento da missão e do
programa estratégico do CIIE.
Total Postos de Trabalho:
Existe preferência na admissão de pessoas com deficiência:
Detem todas as condições e autorizações para proceder ao recrutamento nos termos indicados:
PUBLIC NOTICE OF OPENING OF AN INTERNATIONAL RECRUITMENT COMPETITION FOR ONE PHD HOLDER AS PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER FOR THE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH AND INTERVENTION IN EDUCATION (GRANT NO. CEECINST/00134/2021) OF THE FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION SCIENCES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTOThe Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto (FPCEUP) approved on May 31, 2024, the opening of an international recruitment competition for one PhD holder as Principal Researcher for the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE), of FPCEUP, within the scope of the Programme-Contract no. CEECINST/00134/2021, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), by means of a full-time, unfixed-term employment contract (“contrato individual de termo resolutivo incerto”) under the Portuguese Labour Code. The successful candidate will carry out scientific research activities in Educational Sciences, aiming at the development of advanced and international-level research, relevant to the fulfilment of CIIE’s mission and strategic programme.1. Scientific area:The scientific area of this call for applications is Educational Sciences.2. Applicable law: 2.1. The competition and hiring process is ruled by the provisions of Regulation no. 487/2020 – Regulation of the Research, Science and Technology Staff of the University of Porto, hereinafter referred to as the Regulation, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 100, of 22 May 2020, and by other applicable legislation, namely: the Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of 12 February, in its current wording; Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law no. 57/2017 of 19 July, which approves a system for hiring doctoral graduates aimed at stimulating scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC); Regulatory Decree no. 11-A/2017, of 29 December; and applicable regulations. 2.2. This call for tenders is open under the programme contract for support for the development of scientific and technological activity, signed between the FCT and FPCEUP and in accordance with the provisions of Article 28(4) of the Scientific Employment Regulation, approved by Regulation no. 607-A/2017, published in the 2nd series of the Diário da República on 22 November 2017, in the wording currently in force.3. Under the terms of Article 18 of RJEC, the present competition is exempt of: i) authorisation from the Government officials in charge of the areas of Finance and Public Administration, as specified in point 3 of Article 7 of the Public Service Labour Law (“Lei de Trabalho em Funções Públicas – LTFP”); ii) prior favourable opinion from the Government officials in charge of the areas of Finance and Public Administration (as specified in point 5 of Article 30 of the LTFP); and iii) the legal procedure for the recruitment of workers in the process of requalification, as specified in Article 265 of the LTFP.4. Admission requirements:4.1. General admission requirements:The competition is open to national candidates, foreigners and stateless persons who hold a doctoral degree in Educational Sciences for over 5 years , and a scientific and professional path that reveals a profile appropriate to the duties described in paragraph 8 of this tender notice.4.2. Special requirements, for which documentary evidence must be provided, are as follows: a) Proven research experience in research projects in the candidate is applying to, documented by letter, explaining the research roles/tasks in which the candidate was involved. b) Provide clear evidence of scientific independence , in the last three years, namely through: b1) to be, or have been, the principal investigator (PI) or coordinator of research team/s; b2) proof of having obtained funding as a PI or co-researcher in competitive calls; b3) Scientific publications as corresponding author and/or publications in which the doctoral supervisor is not a co-author. c) Authorship, as first author, four (4) articles (or, alternatively, two articles as first author and two other articles as corresponding author, provided that this role is expressly indicated in the articles) in scientific journals indexed in Scopus/Scimago Journal & Country Rank and/or Clarivate’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR) in the field of Education Sciences.d) Experience of co-supervising master’s degrees and/or doctoral students (completed);e) Fluency (oral and written) in English and Portuguese. 4.3. Failure to prove one or more of the requirements mentioned in points 4.1. and 4.2. will result in the application being excluded.5. Preferred requirements:Preferred requirements, for which documentary evidence must be provided, are as follows: a) Strong research skills, using diverse methods. b) A have a h-index (Scopus and/or Web of Science/Clarivate) of 5 or above. 6. Monthly remunerationThe monthly salary is 3.867,03 Euros, on a full-time basis, corresponding to position 1, level 11, of the table attached to the Regulation and the Statute of the Scientific Research Career, approved by Decree-Law no. 124/99, of 20 April. 7. Workplace:The workplace shall be at CIIE facilities at FPCEUP, Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto.8. Contract regime:The successful candidate will be hired under a fixed-term employment contract by legal requirement, under the terms of paragraph b) of no. 1 of Article 6 of the RJEC, ex vi, no. 2 of Article 18 of the RJEC, and will remain only for the period necessary to carry out the tasks defined and identified in the following number. The contract will be in force during the time of execution of the aforementioned programme-contract for as long as there are budget provisions available.9. Duties:9.1. According with Article 8.1 of Regulation, the duties of research staff are as follows: a) Research.b) Knowledge transfer and valorisation.c) Management and communication of science and technology and other tasks.d) Teaching and training activities. 9.2. In accordance with Article 13(2) of the Regulation, the Principal Researcher is responsible for carrying out research and development activities on a regular basis, as well as other scientific and technical activities within the scope of the respective institution’s mission: a) Carrying out the submitted and approved individual research plan, with high relevance for CIIE. b) Coordinating and participating in advanced research projects that contribute to the promotion of the internationalisation of CIIE. c) Participating actively in the design of applications for international and national competitive funding. d) Writing and submitting articles to scientific journals. e) Communicating research results in scientific events. f) Collaboration in teaching and training programes. g) Collaborating in university extension activities and participating in the other activities of the day-to-day life of CIIE. 10. Selection panel:In compliance with Article 13 of RJEC and Article 22 of Regulation no. 487/2020, the selection panel of this competition is composed as follows: Chairperson: Isabel Menezes, Full Professor of FPCEUP, Head of CIIE.Members: Tiago Neves, Associate Professor of FPCEUP. Amélia Lopes, Full Professor of FPCEUP.Conceição Azevedo, Full Professor of UTAD.Pedro D. Ferreira, Associate Professor of FPCEUP.Substitute member:Amélia Veiga, Associate Professor of FPCEUP.11. Selection methods and assessment:11.1. In accordance with Articles 26 of Regulation and 5 of RJEC, the recruitment methods are: a) Assessment of scientific and curricular path of the applicants (APCC); and b) If the selection panel deems it necessary, interview (I) to be held to the three best-placed candidates at the APCC.11.2. The assessment of the scientific and curricular path (APCC) focuses on relevance, quality and timeliness of (and paying special attention to productivity over the last 5 years):a) The scientific, technological, cultural or artistic production considered most relevant by the candidate;b) The applied or practice-based research activities considered to have the greatest impact by the candidate;c) The outreach and knowledge dissemination activities, namely in the context of promoting culture and scientific practices, considered to be of greatest relevance by the candidate.11.3. In the APCC, the criteria to which the indicated weighting factors are assigned are as follows:A. Scientific career (CP) (90%):A.1. Evaluation of scientific production, with special emphasis on the last 5 years, taking into account the number and quality of scientific publications, as well as their relevance to Education Sciences, and paying particular attention to the three publications selected by the candidate (30%).A.2. Assessment of the activities of coordination and participation in research projects, with special emphasis on the last 5 years, considering the coordination and involvement in teams of national and international research projects, the existence of competitive funding, as well as the type of participation, duration and nature of the activities carried out and the themes of the projects in which the candidate participated (30%).A.3. Assessment of the motivation and potential contribution of the submitted plan to the objectives and development of CIIE (in accordance with Paragraph 17.4 e), particularly: the motivations for the position, the suitability of the applicant’s scientific curriculum to CIIE’s strategic programme, the interest in the project’s themes, and the main contributions to Education Sciences in recent years; the originality, relevance and potential impact of the submitted research plan for the development and internationalisation of CIIE (30)%.B. Extension and knowledge transfer activities (ETC) (10%):B.1. Evaluation of outreach, university extension and knowledge dissemination activities, with special emphasis on the last 5 (five) years, namely: organisation of national and international scientific events; participation in scientific events (as a speaker, guest speaker, organiser of symposia included in these events); provision of services and consultancy as part of the institutional mission; participation in international networks; supervision and guidance of students and research fellows; other relevant experience (10)%.12. Evaluation of the interview:If the panel deems it necessary, an interview (Ent) will be held with the candidates ranked in the top positions in APCC, up to a maximum of three, and the panel will evaluate aspects related to the research carried out by the candidates. The interview will be partially conducted in English. If it is held, it will have a weight of 10% for the final score.13. Final score: The final score (CF) corresponds to APCC and will be obtained by applying the following formula: CF = PC*0,90 + ETC*0,10. If an interview is held, the final score will be obtained by applying the formula CF = (PC*0,90 + ETC *0,10) * 0,9) + (Ent*0,10).14. Valuation of the recruitment methods: 14.1. Each panel member evaluates the scientific and curricular path of each candidate on a scale of 0 to 100 points, valued to the hundredths, the score being obtained through the weighting defined in the evaluation criteria. 14.2. The evaluation of the interview is expressed on a scale of 0 to 100 points, with a weighting to the hundredths.15. Evaluation methodology:15.1. After the admission of the applicants, and before starting the voting for their final ranking in the evaluation of their scientific and curricular path, each member of the selection panel presents a written document, to be attached to the meeting minutes, with the list of the applicants in descending order of merit, duly substantiated, considering the criteria and parameters of this tender notice. 15.2. The panel deliberates by means of a reasoned roll-call vote in accordance with the selection criteria adopted and publicised, and abstentions are not permitted.15.3. The ranking methodology is as indicated in Article 29 of Regulation.15.4. Each member of the panel must respect, in the various votes, the order presented in the document referred to in no. 16.1. 15.5. The interview lasts a maximum of one hour and is aimed exclusively at clarifying aspects related to the research carried out by the candidates.15.6. Minutes are drawn up of the panel meetings, which contain a summary of what took place, as well as the votes cast by each member and the reasons for them.15.7. Once the selection criteria have been applied, the panel will draw up an ordered list of the applications with their respective rankings.15.8. The panel’s final decision is approved by the Head of the institution responsible for opening the tender procedure. The final decision on recruitment is the responsibility of the Head of the contracting organisation.16. Submission of applications: 16.1. Applications must be submitted no later than 23:59 14 august 2024 (local time– Lisbon). 16.2. Applications must be formally submitted using the online application submission system available at FPCEUP website at (ref. 2024/20, no. 112).16.3. Applications must be submitted by means of a request addressed to the Chairperson of the selection panel, which must include the identification of this notice, full name, affiliation, number and date of identity card/Citizen Card or civil identification number, tax identification number, date and place of birth, marital status, profession, postal address and contact address, including email address and telephone number. 16.4. The application must be accompanied by documents proving the conditions set out in points 4, 5 and 12 of this competition, namely:a) Copy of the doctoral certificate obtained more than 5 (five) years ago.b) Copy of proof of recognition of the doctorate awarded by a foreign higher education institution, by a Portuguese higher education institution (if applicable).c) Detailed curriculum vitae, in PDF format, rigorously structured according to the items in point 12.3 with an indication of Scopus and/or WoS (Web of Science) h-index, as well as the quartile (SCImago Journal Rank or JCR) of the journals in which he/she has published (and/or “stratum” in the evaluation of Qualis journals) and also with identification of the updated CiênciaVitae and Orcid ID.d) A copy of the three publications considered most relevant by the candidate (articles in scientific journals or book chapters).e) Research plan in English on topics relevant to CIIE (max. 4000 words): i) first section, with a reflection on the path developed so far and the reason for applying for this position, justifying the selection of the project’s topics (motivation); ii) second section, with the plan itself, presenting the main problems to which the applicant intends to devote the research, in line with CIIE’s strategic programme (available by contacting, and a careful selection of the main activities to be carried out. It should include: title of the plan, summary, methodology and research plan, timetable, outputs and potential contribution to CIIE’s internationalisation; it should also clarify which studies leading to a master’s or doctorate he/she anticipates that could be developed, making specific proposals. f) Letters of recommendation (max. two).g) A copy of a formal certificate of language skills in English (and/or Portuguese, if the candidate is not a native speaker of Portuguese) or, alternatively, a declaration on honour that he/she has the required language skills.h) Other supporting documents considered relevant to assessing the eligibility of the application and documents that the candidate considers relevant to the assessment of his/her merit.16.5. Failure to comply with the application submission deadline, failure to submit or late submission of the application referred to in point 16.3. and the documents referred to in points a) to f) of point 16.4. will result in the application being rejected. Candidates will be notified of the decision to exclude them by email so that they can be heard. 16.6. The selection panel may, whenever it deems it necessary, ask candidates to submit additional documents relating to the facts mentioned in their CVs, setting a deadline for this.17. False statements:False statements provided by applicants are punishable by law.18. Competition minutes:The minutes regarding the evaluation phases will be sent by email, with a delivery receipt, to the address provided by the candidates.19. Prior hearing and deadline for final decision:In compliance with the provisions of Article 121 of Code of Administrative Procedure (“Código do Procedimento Administrativo”), after being notified, candidates have 10 working days to submit a formal rebuttal.20. This selection is exclusively intended to fill the available position. It may be closed at any time before the legally binding homologation of the final ranking list and will expire when the position is filled. In the event that none of the candidates demonstrates that he/she possesses the profile indicated for the performance of the functions described above within the scope of this project, the selection panel reserves the right not to award the position in the competition. 21. Reserve list: If the first ranked candidate withdraws, the CIIE reserves the right to call the next ranked candidate and so on until the vacancy is filled, subject to judgement of convenience and opportunity, based on the selection reserve list that can be used up to 24 months from the date of the present notice.22. Policy of non-discrimination and equal access:CIIE and FPCEUP actively promote a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, disadvantaged or deprived of any right or exemption from any duty owing, in particular, to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.23. Approval of the tender notice:The Scientific Council of FPCEUP approved this tender notice at the meeting held on May 31, 2024. Porto, 26th juneDean of Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto,Professor Pedro Nobre
Local TrabalhoNº PostosMoradaLocalidadeCódigo PostalDistritoConcelho
Universidade do Porto1Praça de Gomes Teixeira - Apartado 211Porto4099002 PORTOPorto Porto
Sector de actividade Sector Público
Tipo de contrato Full-time
Tipo de oferta Concurso Público
Contactos BEP - Universidade do Porto
Praça de Gomes Teixeira - Apartado 211